
Professor Noa Marom of Carnegie Mellon University will be awarded the 2018 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Computational Physics and will give a lecture at CCP2018.

Past Winners

2017: Professor Glen Brian Evenbly from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada.

2016: Dr. Jianwei Sun (Temple University, USA).

2015: Dr. Wei-Min Wang (Laser-plasma physics of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) for his significant achievements in computational plasma physics with applications to advanced schemes of inertial confined fusion and novel laser-plasma based particle accelerators and radiation sources.

2014: Professor Mathieu Salanne (Université Pierre et Marie Cure, Paris) for the development of appropriate methods to allow realistic atomistic simulation of molten salts and ionic liquids in situations of relevance to electrochemistry.

No award in 2013

2012: Prof. Roger Melko (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Canada) for his innovative and deep achievements in developing quantum Monte Carlo methods for quantum information theory and condensed matter physics.

2011: Prof. Stefano Curtarolo (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Department of Physics, Duke University) for pioneering high-throughput combinatorial computational materials science, for the creation of on-line materials development techniques, and for the development of thermodynamic models for nano-catalysts.

2010: Prof. Dr. Philipp Werner (Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich) for the development and implementation of quantum Monte Carlo methods which have transformed the study of interacting electrons in solids.

2009: Doctor Amanda S. Barnard (CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering, Australia)

2008: Doctor Naoki Yoshida (Department of Physics, Nagoya University)

2007: Professor Stefano Sanvito (School of Physics, Trinity College in Dublin)